Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Customer of the Year Competition

The 2007 Customer of the Year Competition has been heating up we only have 12 more days of 2007 remaining so don't put off your entry any longer.
Mike Laborde greated us with some holiday cheer a couple of weeks ago to help quench the thrist of our weary shop employees this busy time of the year.What's amazing about this photo that it doesn't look "staged" at all not only a great customer but a fine actor as well.
If you didn't recognize the famous poses of these fine young men they are "Magnum, Blue Steel, and Chucky Cheese"
Mike Perez greeted us today with a feast of a Peperoni and a Canadian Bacon/Pinneapple pizza even cooking it himself in his dutch ovens right in the back of his pickup. To top it all off we were treated with his famous dutch oven peach cobbler and ice cream for dessert. Mike has really taken this competition to the next level. Thanks Mike!

Hamby Trail

Every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00 pm this Fall and Winter we have been gathering out at the Hamby Mountain Bike trail. We have also been meeting on Sundays at 10:00am. More and more people are making there way out to the trail during the week and on Sunday. Last night we had a good turn out about 12 of us were out there enjoying a great December day with temps in the low 70's. A couple of guys took a lap after the sun went down donning their high powered lights. If you haven't had the chance to mountain bike at night it really is a rush.

The Hamby trail is available to any Longview Bicycle Club Member as this is on private land it needs to be a "Club Ride" consisting of at least 2 bike club members to comply with the bike clubs insurance.

The trail is located 3 miles north of the shop on 259 take a left on Hamby Rd go about 1 1/2 miles and take your first right on Big Woods and then take the first right into a private drive pass through 2 gates and follow the trail back to the woods. The trail is well marked in three loops an A, B and C loop the total length of the trail is about 4.7 miles. We have used about a thrid of the land that is available to us and we plan to add some more to it this year. If you have any questions about the trail come on by the bike shop we would be happy to help you.

Thanksgiving Games

I know that this post is a little delayed but this is from Thanksgiving. The object of this ping pong game is to have everyone play by positioning themselves around the table. The first person serves then immediately sets down the paddle and moves to the left the next in line picks up the paddle and returns. This goes on until someone misses the return then they are out of the game until it comes down to just 2 players. This was a lot of fun and proved to be quite hilarious at times.

Toilet Bowl freeze tag game picked up after ping pong and surprising or maybe not so surprising if you know who was involved it wasnt' just the kids playing tag. The object of Toilet Bowl freeze tag is one person is "it" and tags the others in the game, if you are tagged you have to "freeze" in a toilet bowl positon by kneeling down on one knee and putting one arm out as your "flusher" to get untagged another player needs to sit on your knee and "flush" you by pushing down on your arm.